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Why we started Vibrant life...


We are so glad you are here and investigating!


In 2021 we were homeschooling our children and were feeling empowered by the choices and culture homeschool provided us. While attending our weekly co-op, we witnessed 15 learners aged 7-13 discover true principles with no teacher in their midst. Seeing the unity, fun and empowerment that came from personal discovery was profound. The light and enthusiasm for true learning was evident in their eyes and it was so invigorating to see it with their peers. We wanted more of that. We wanted an educational culture that could fuel that light, and connect with others. We felt something even better was out there, and didn’t know initially what it was until we found Acton.


Acton is a world-wide network with an educational philosophy where the students are “heroes” on a journey to discover their gifts and purpose. Each person has a purpose that will change the world. The education is aimed to help discover it. It is learner driven. This approach facilitates the learners becoming. Learners are not simply told what to think, memorize, or how to pass a test. They become critical thinkers, problem solvers, and foster a love for life-long learning. This is what our family needed. We were done with systems that didn't really serve us and our greater purpose. There wasn’t an Acton in our close community, so we decided to create what we wanted. We knew it needed to have a holistic niche as connection to our heart is a vital bridge to the deeper levels of ourselves and our purpose. This adventure has already changed us. We hope it will be a gift to you and our community.  If our mission resonates with you, we encourage you to take the next step and start applying today. We can hardly wait to meet the fellow travelers on this path!


Jenna and Wes Jones

Vibrant Life Co-Founders

Jenna and Wes Jones  Vibrant Life Co-Founders

Jenna earned a degree in teaching secondary education and quickly realized teaching in public schools was not a great fit for her. It was eye opening and heart breaking.  She played collegiate basketball and loved to travel to Kenya and Uganda and other countries when volunteering for a non profit called Reach the Children. After marrying Wes, she strived to create an intentional home for her 7 children, 6 of whom are living.  She eventually stepped into the revolutionary world of homeschool. Due to some of her own physical health challenges that had been with her since childhood, Jenna has learned and became certified in a number of integrative health modalities including emotional integration techniques, breath and movement therapies.  Jenna is excited to connect with an intentional community, and create a transformative place for her children and families in the community to better connect to each other and their purpose. 

Jenna Jones

Co-Founder & Director

Jenna and Wes Jones  Vibrant Life Co-Founders
Jenna and Wes Jones  Vibrant Life Co-Founders

Wes Jones


Wes is a fun loving father who loves dad jokes and watching his children develop. Wes is also a physician who spends much of his time trying to educate and empower patients and families. He takes care of people approaching the end of their life and enjoys learning about what makes life unique and meaningful for each patient. He is dual board certified in Hospice and Palliative Medicine as well as Family Medicine. In his family he has also spent time doing typical child/youth volunteering for things like scouting and coaching. He is passionate about discovering truth. He is most happy when he has free time at home with his wife and children and they can seize whatever inspiration may hit them. He likes to be called Wes or “Jonesy”.


Rose is so excited to embark on this journey alongside learners, aiming to make them feel supported and foster a love for learning and growth. She is ready to be curious, ask questions, and provide challenges so that heroes can take charge of their own journey. The community that Vibrant Life is creating is something Rose is thrilled to play a role in and she greatly looks forward to building this tribe and connecting on a deep level with learners and families! She envisions creating a nurturing studio environment where guides and learners are all on the same plane working together on quests, launches and team building. In her personal time Rose enjoys going to the movies, cherishing time with her family, pets, and friends, and crafting and creating!

Rose Lerma

Discovery Guide

Chloe Morris

Spark Guide

As a new guide, I am deeply committed to cultivating an inclusive environment where the pillars of team building, emotional connection, artistic expression, and play intertwine to empower each student on their personal hero’s journey. Through fostering creativity, curiosity, and championing self-expression, my goal is to enable child to unearth their innate strengths and distinctive talents. Together, we will forge a nurturing community where every child is esteemed, motivated to conquer obstacles, embrace the joy of learning, and unfold their limitless potential.

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