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Discovery Studio

Children do not need to be made to learn to be better, told what to do, or shown how.  If they are given access to enough of the world, they will see clearly enough what things are truly important to themselves and to others, and they will make for themselves a better path into that world than anyone else could make for them.
John Holt

discovery outside campfire
Children coloring
3 kids climbing in tree_edited_edited
School Garden
group frisbee outside good pic_edited
Student Membership

Discover Self and Learn to Flow
For Ages 8-13


The Discovery Studio offers a space for learners to explore themselves, build friendships, and develop collaboration skills. Here, they are recognized for their potential, engaging in projects, Socratic discussions, and growth mindset. 


  • Mind and Heart Coherence: Regular techniques to connect deeply with their inner selves.

  • Socratic Method: Encourages independent and critical thinking for self and group governance.

  • Integrated Learning Quests: encompass projects across diverse subjects such as science, social studies, math, communication, language arts, arts, engineering, teamwork, and entrepreneurship, with a focus on real-life 21st-century skills. Each 4-6 week quest culminates in an exhibition. Membership costs include access to a Chromebook for each learner in the studio.

  • Exhibitions: Learners showcase their achievements, providing accountability and celebration.

  • Communication: Includes writers' workshops and cultivating healthy communication skills.

  • World History: Read chapters at home and then come ready to have a Socratic discussion. Membership costs include book.

  • Learner Empowerment: Students propose changes to their environment during Town Hall.

  • Goal Setting and Special Activities: Learners set SMART goals and plan activities to celebrate after achieve them.

  • Individually Paced Online Curriculum: Core subjects such as math and language arts are completed online at home, allowing for tailored pace and focus, with accountability checks in the studio. Subscriptions included in membership cost.

  • D.E.A.R (Drop Everything And Read): Living library provided (books that nurture deep character development) and follow philosophies like Well Educated Heart.

Example of a Daily Schedule


Outdoor grounds open at 8:30am for children to play

8:40-8:55am: Group morning Routine (brain gym exercises and set daily intention)
We are an all weather program. Children need to wear weather appropriate clothing. Discovery learners have a dedicated indoor studio space. 


Each day has a rhythm and will include activities such as:


  • Socratic Launch to deliver real life skills and practice navigating life dilemmas 

  • Tribe building challenges

  • Quest collaborative projects (include all core subjects)

  • Civilization

  • Communication: challenges that help learners think, speak and write more clearly

  • PE

  • collaborative games

  • Life skills practice

  • Studio maintenance

  • Reflection Circle and close


Membership price: See FAQ page

At the conclusion of our work block, friends are able to get picked up or invited to stay and eat lunch together and enjoy outside play time until 2:00pm. Friends need to be able to self manage. Parents will take turns volunteering to supervise during this time, ensuring a collaborative and supportive environment for our families.

"Since we can't know what knowledge will be most needed in the future, it is senseless to try to teach it in advance.  Instead, we should try to turn out people who love learning so much and learn so well that they will be able to learn whatever needs to be learned."
John Holt

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